Afrikaans language, is sometimes called Netherlands, by descendants of European ( Dutch, German, and French) colonists, indigenous Khoisan peoples , and African and Asian slaves in the Dutch colony at the cape of good hope. 

The country of origin for Afrikaans is South Africa. However, several other southern African countries speak Afrikaans including Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland. 

Afrikaans is a creole language that evolved that evolved during the 19th century under colonialism in southern Africa. This simplified, creolised language had it's roots mainly in Dutch, mixed with seafarer variants of Malay , Portuguese, Indonesia and the indigenous khoekhoe and San languages. It was spoken by peasants ( Blacks) , traders and teachers.

Peasants , traders, teachers, and Khoisan peoples all communicated with this language. Then the Dutch came in South Africa and realised the people of the union of South Africa spoke a language that is similar with Dutch. 

The term Afrikaner according to Google means a person born in South Africa whose native language is Afrikaans and whose ancestors were from Europe. 

The name of the language comes directly from the Dutch word Afrikaansch ( now spelled Afrikaans). Afrikaans means African. 

A creole language is a stable natural language that develops from the process of different languages simplifying and mixes into a new form and that form becomes one language. The natural Afrikaans spoken In South Africa changed as time went on. 

Afrikaans was adopted for use in schools in 1914 and in the Dutch reformed church in 1919. A distinct Afrikaans literature evolved during the 20th century, and first complete translation of the Bible was published in 1933. 

San languages: khoekhoe, khoemana, shua, tsoa, Ts'ixa, kxoe, Naro, Haba, G'ana, Amkoe.

Khoisan language is khoekhoe also known as Nama or Damara.

Khoisan languages : Sandawe, Hadza, khoe, Ju , ! XÓÕ

The San people were called Bushmen and the Khoikhoi people were called Hottentot. 


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